Twitter: @ Vuvuzela Horn

Some Twitter genius created an account for the Vuvuzela Horn that is all the buzz at the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The account (@thevuvuzelahorn) has gained over 2,250 followers in the 15 hours since it's first tweet. And predictably, all of its tweets are filled with "zzzzzz" to represent the buzz the Vuvuzela Horn makes.

A Vuvuzela Horn.
In case you do not know what the Vuvuzela Horn is, it's monotone trumpet that produces a buzzing sound and has become South African tradition for soccer games. And yes, some people find insistent sound annoying

Regardless of what the Vuvuzela Horn is, it's Twitter page illustrates how easy it is to gain attention on social media websites with little more then a few "zzzzzzz" 's. (The Vuvuzela Horn also has a facebook page, but as of this post it does not have a large following.)

Simple? Yes. Creative? Very much so.

While the Vuvuzela Horn Twitter page is creative and comical, the next question is: Besides garnering a few laughs, what else can be done?

Not knowing who created the Vuvuzela Horn account, I can't question their motives. However, if a corporation would have created this account (or particularly a World Cup sponsor) they would have been able to slap their logo on the page and receive a good amount of free advertising, marketing and attention.

So, can you create a Vuvuzela Horn-like Twitter account or Facebook page for your business?

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